Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024



Tadi lagi baca buku ‘Becoming High Value Women’ by Meisya Salwa. Dijelasin bahwa dengan luka bisa jadi pendorong pertumbuhan kita.

Gue setuju banget. Dan sering ngalamin hal tersebut. 

Tapi ada 1 prespektif yang mau gue tambahin, “luka” bisa menjadi sesuatu yang positif ketika orang tersebut bisa berdamai, menerima, dan melalui.

Ada beberapa orang ketika merasakan “luka”, ia semakin hancur. Karena hanya orang-orang terpilih yang bisa mengubah “luka” menjadi peluang untuk tumbuh.

Untuk detik ini, aku tak menerima lagi. Apalagi luka karena lelaki.

16 Oktober 2024

Senin, 14 Oktober 2024

Plot Twist

Ternyata plot twist yaaa

Ternyata perasaan gue gak berubah sampe detik ini

It's life, banyak plot twist-nya

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2024

Yearly Friendship Maintenance

Why is my W1 October 2024 experience so similar to W1 Oct 2023?!
Okay, let me explain...

In October 2023, I was struggling with my feelings for a one of my best friend that I realize I fall into him. Then I decided to confess my feelings (for the second time). I also asked him to set boundaries because I knew our feelings weren't mutual. 

Decided to losing him as my best friend and realizing my life was incredibly struggle without him. You know how much he meant to me? He was always there for me, like a guardian angel. He can help me ANYTHING, he said, I'm his client, and he's my consultant with permanent contract hahaha.

Jump to my Oct 2024 right now...

I didn't confess my feelings
I didn't ask for boundaries
I wasn't struggling without him


Simply he said "Fa, as best friend, can we do a yearly friendship maintenance?"

Speechless. Inhale. Exhale.

He had always been one of my closest friends. I do a maintenance with my best friend through daily chats and weekly catch up, then he asked me to do a yearly friendship maintenance? HELLLL!

I'm disappointed.
But... sure, if that's what he wanted, I would respect his wishes.


Hai, blog! Rencananya sih gue mau rajin upload, semoga bukan wacana. Sampai bertemu di tulisan berikutnya, jangan lupa comment biar gue semangat hahaha <3